Inner Strength Hypnotherapy offers private health insurance rebates for approved funds which can help my clients afford the professional treatment I provide.
As a fully qualified and accredited hypnotherapist you may be eligable to claim a rebate through your private health insurance fund when you have treatment with me:.
Listed below are the health funds that cover hypnotherapy:
- Australian Health Management (AHM)….
- Australian Unity
- CBHS Health Fund
- Credicare Health Fund
- Grand United Health
- HBF (WA) is owned by BUPA
- Health Care Insurance Limited
- Health Partners
- Medibank Private
- Navy Health Fund
- NRMA Health Insurances
- Phoenix Welfare
- Railway and Transport Health Fund Ltd
- Reserve Bank Health Society
I trust this information is of assistance to you. Contact your private health fund for more details and to make sure your policy covers you. Thank you.